Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Your Classroom Environment

 If you didn't think that your classroom environment effects having a differentiated classroom then you'd be wrong. There are many different factors that you can do to make sure you have a
differentiated classroom and one of the easier ones in the setup of your classroom. The grouping you have with the students' desks, space around the room, and even as simple as what you hang on the wall can have an effect on your students with differentiation. Your routines, procedures, word walls, materials etc all effect how you interact and prepare to differentiate for your students. Also as I've stated before letting your students take part in running the classroom so that it's our class and not just their teacher's class is also really helpful in getting students to help each other become stronger together. When students band together to help celebrate their fellow classmates successes the class can really grow together. So below I've listed points from Tomlinson's fourth chapter that can help us take into part outside tools we can use to help us become a differentiated teacher.

Building a Positive Classroom Environment:

“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward our objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping ou towards success- or are they holding you back?”  W. Clement Stone

-Study Student’s Culture
-Convey Status
-Commend Creativity
-Make Room for All Kinds of Learners
-Help Students Know About One Another
-Celebrate Success

Take into account your student's background and culture especially when it comes to students who have moved into the area that aren't as familiar with the culture. These could be your ESL students or students from different areas in the state. Be genuine when complementing your students and commend their creativity for all of your students for thinking out of the box. Along with that get your students to celebrate in the success of their fellow classmates and you'll have such a powerful community that will build a positive environment. 

Communication in the Classroom:

“As a leader, these attributes- confidence, perseverance, work ethic and good sense-are all things I look for in people. I also try to lead by example and create an environment where good questions and good ideas can come from anyone.” Heather Bresch

-Build a Group Identity
-Hold Goal Setting Conferences
-Use Dialogue Journals
-Incorporate Teacher Talk Groups in Lesson Plans

Help your students come together to build an identify in such a way that your students know how much it means to your whole classroom and that they are proud to be a part of the whole classroom. By meeting with your students and holding goal conferences in order to find out what it is important to them and it what areas they want to improve in. Sometimes our students know where they'd like to go and are more likely to work harder knowing that they had a choice in their educational goals. This is part of differentiating for them by getting them involved in their learning. Also let your students become the experts and teach others in the group and plan for moments like that on purpose in your lessons. Building trust between your students starts with communication. 

Classroom Operation:

“The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.” Richard Rogers

-We will work hard to ensure our own growth and to assist the growth of others
-Time is Valuable
-Fair is Ensuring All Learner Get What They Need to Succeed
-Teach Up, Work Up

The operation of the classroom is own that also links to helping your students learn and grow together. Once students become experts have them help others and show them different strategies that they used to find solutions. Remember though that time is a valuable thing because there will be many things you need to do in your classroom battling with the things you want to do in your classroom. You can find a way to do both and make them both meaningful by differentiating for your students. This leads to helping all students understand when you help their classmates it won't be in the same way they receive help because everyone has different needs and students need to know that it's okay because we want everyone to succeed.  

Classroom Routines:

-Use Visual Cues
-Pre-establish Groups
-Use Goal Cards Regularly
-Teach for Smooth Transitions

Routines are part of our classroom that helps it run smoothly. When your classroom runs smoothly you can better prepare to help all your students in the ways they need. However continually repeating yourself gets old so having visual cue cards around the room or even non-verbal signs to use for students to remember can help as well. The more we prepare and practice these routines the better transitions will go when it comes to moving from one place to another. There will be many ways to group your students and please find different groups for all your students. Students always tend to know when they are in the lowest group, but you can group by interests, levels, eye color etc and allow multiple entry points to solidify the routines you set up in class. 

Support Systems:

-Vary Materials
-Use Graphic Organizers to Help Structure and Extend Thinking
-Provide Survival Packets
-Use Participation Prompts
-Build Language Bridges

 We all need support, but this kind of support is more about the materials you give to your students who are in your classroom. Allow for your students to take home different homework sheets that fit to their level and readiness and don't focus on always having one set paper for everyone. 

Shared Classroom Responsibility

“Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.” Ralph Marston

-Use Evaluation Checklists
-Involve students in scheduling decisions
-Engage students in assessing their own progress
-Help students to learn to set their own academic goals

Turning more responsibility over to your students helps them to become more independent learners. It's also a great way to help move students towards assessing their own progress and judging what kind of help they still need or want. Based off this information students are able then to prepare their own academic goals that are important to them. 

Your classroom environment is so much more than just the physical environment. As we saw above there are many ways you can affect a child’s environment. It’s what you do however that will really build your students to becoming life-long learners and wanting to know things for themselves. If you will do these things mentioned above you will discover that your students will be better members of not only your classroom but of society because you taught them how to work together and gave them choices to benefit their education. When we differentiate we take into account not only who we are teaching but where we teach and in what kind of environment we teach. Look over this list and see if there are things you could fix to become a better teacher and differentiate more in your classroom. I know this chapter in Tomlinson’s book gave me a lot of food for thought for my own future classroom. 

Here are some websites that can help you with your classroom environment: 
Creating a Classroom with a Positive Environment
Tips for your Classroom Environment
Key Factors

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Teacher’s Response Part II

Teacher's Response II

Last post I only covered one part of the teacher’s response but I feel like it was critical for all teachers to know how important that will help you with a successful class. These others are still important as well and will most definitely benefit you to building a differentiated classroom.


Teacher must respond for the students’ needs of opportunity by:
-having important things for them to do that day
-letting them know the things they are doing are worthwhile things
-informing them that the tasks are sometimes daunting but doable
-letting them know that the things you ask them to do open new possibilities up to them.
-having important things that allow them to become all that they can be.
-give them maximum opportunities in roles that make them more efficient and effective.

I love this quote from the book because I think it explains all of us very well! “Genuine opportunity may be frightening because it seems out of reach but it is seldom stultifying. Opportunity requires hard word, but it is work with a purpose-it is work in pursuit of a dream.” I think we all become afraid of the opportunities that we are given and we miss out on a lot of them because that means we do have a bigger potential to live up to. Never let your students be afraid to take new opportunities. Teach them that opportunities allow us to grow and stretch beyond our means.


-Let your students know that you work hard to make their classroom
work for all of them.
-the classroom is a reflection of the whole class and the progress they are making
-it shows anyone who walks through our door who we are and why we are a special class.
-there will be new paths to succeed and we will all get there by listening to each other

Invested teachers are personally engaged in what they ask the students to do. That is, invested teacher word hard at learning, spend free time in pursuit of knowledge, think and puzzle over problems, and get excited about new ideas. Become an invested teacher for what you teach and who you teach because you’re students will notice a difference if you’re invested as much as they are.


-Let students know that as they are learning they are growing, but the learning doesn’t stop there. The things that they learn in your class will help them as they get older.
-Giving up is not an option, if something doesn’t work one way there are many other ways that can be tried.
-There are no excuses here, but there is support!
-There is no finish line in learning.

Persistent teachers are always willing to change to get better and become a greater teacher. They don’t think that they are exempt from growing like the students are. The more you persevere the more you learn about yourself and your abilities. Be that teacher that shows her/his students that there is never a time to give up, just find another way that works for you.


-I use what I learn to help you learn better.
-I try to see things through your eyes.
-I continually stop to ask how is this working.
-I continually ask how can I make this better.

A differentiating teacher is one who is constantly reflecting on his/her teaching and making adjustments accordingly. It’s important to realize you will never teach a perfect lesson, but you can come close when you have multiple entry points for your students to all take a bite out of the learning that you’re offering.

We must come to know our students on a very different level than many teachers have before. We must be willing to see them for the unique individuals they are and in order to do that we must bond with our students. We must reach out to them and help them to feel that they are special to us. They may even feel like the favorite in the class, but we want ALL of our students to feel that way and not just some. In order to do that we’ve got to be invested in every student, persistently pushing them to new heights by pushing ourselves to find new ways to help them, we’ve got to reflect on our teaching and make sure that we are truly lifting our students confidence and not spoon-feeding them the answers, and we need to give them every opportunity we can to show their knowledge to solidify what they are learning. By doing these things we will become a teacher that really knows her/his students in such a way that teaching will take on a whole new meaning.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Teacher Response

"Getting to know someone involves curiosity about where they have come from, who they are."
Penelope Lively

I loved the third chapter in Tomlinson’s book! It’s all about what we can do as teachers to help get to know our students. Isn't a classroom all about individuality and personality? I bet if you talk to any seasoned
teacher they will tell you that each year their class was different because of the personalities of each student that came into their room! Is that a bad thing? NO! It’s a great thing. The only thing that can be bad about that is how you relate to each of those students walking through their classroom door. As a teacher you need to take the time to get to know your students and then you’ll begin to understand them. I love the quote that I chose because getting to know someone isn't just asking them simple questions about who they are right now because you don’t know what has shaped them. Each student that walks through our door is going to have a different background that they are coming from that we need to take into account. Right now you’re probably thinking oh my goodness that’s just one more thing I have to do that I don’t have time for. Where in heaven’s name am I going to fit that in? Even though I don’t have a classroom of my own yet, I guarantee if you take time to invite the parents in and get to know them better and get to know more about your student through your parents you’ll have doors opening left and right because the parents will be supporting you and be on your side!


I love the question that it asks us to remember….”WHAT WAS OUR VISION FOR THE CLASSROOM?”  Going through the education program here at UVU has been amazing and I’ve learned a lot of things about what and how I need to teach. When I was reading this chapter I had to pause and really think about have I lost sight of my original vision for my classroom. I want to live what I believe and Tomlinson quoted a principal that said her staff was amazing because of this statement. As a teacher I want to look beyond what I can’t change and find ways to help my students succeed regardless of the limitations I may have in supplies, books, media, etc.
This chapter goes on to explain HOW we as teachers can respond to our students needs that I briefly discussed in previous posts. The first one is response to invitation and as a teacher the way we can issue that is by our demeanor, words, and actions and communicate that those mean that
  • we respect who students are as well as who they can become. We all want our students to succeed and improve. We want them to become all that they can and if you’re a teacher and you’re reading this and you’re thinking uh no I don’t-then you’re in the wrong profession. ;) We want students to know that they have potential that we can see even if they lose sight of that from time to time.
  • we want our students to know that we really do want to get to know them. It’s going to be hard because you’ll have 25-35 students around you constantly telling you about this and that, but it’s important for them to share that with you because they want you to get to know them too. If they’re not sharing with you or wanting to tell you something make an effort to get to know them by asking some non-invading questions to help strengthen that bond.
  • we want our students to know that they are unique and valuable. We don’t want our students to feel like they are like everyone else. It’s important to celebrate differences as a class. Take time to teach your students how to cheer on and support their fellow classmates. Let students teach other students how to do some of their talents and make sure that all students know they are unique in one way or another because we know that no two people are alike and that’s what makes us special, even if we forget that as adults.
  • we want our students to know that we learn from them just like they learn from us. Adults forget things sometimes (don’t we all know it) and it’s amazing how students have a way of reminding us of the truly important things in life. Let students know that there will be times that they might have an answer to a question you don’t know and let them become the teacher. That will instill confidence in them.
  • we want our students to know that the classroom is theirs too and that they are needed within the classroom. The most important thing we can do for anyone is to make them feel wanted and valued. We want them to know that our classroom wouldn't be the same without them. There is no “my” classroom, it’s all of ours because it only runs well when we all work together. Take the time to allow your students ownership in your classroom so that they can grow more as a person emotionally and not just academically.


There’s one more quote I wanted to add to this post today and it’s by Paul Tournier. He said: “It is quite clear that between love and understanding there is a very close link. He who loves understand and he who understand loves, one who feels understood feels loved and one who feels loved feels sure of being understood.”  When our students feel our response to their needs they feel understood and loved. This really will benefit you in the long run, even if you feel it will take up too much time now. Let your students know that you value them for their own unique personalities and feelings. Let them know that you learn from them every day and make sure when you are
telling them that you have a specific example so that they know you are being sincere. When you are sincere and genuine with your students and you respond to their invitation to be needed you’re classroom will grow immensely together and begin to feel like a home away from home for these kids. When you care about your students and understand your students you are then able to build a differentiated class for them. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Student Needs Part II

So I debated if I wanted to add more to this chapter as I was reading and I went back and reread over the information I had and decided that there were a few more things that I wanted to say.
Think back to when you knew you wanted to be a teacher. Why did you want to become a teacher? What things motivated you to want to teach? If you are a teacher now, have those things changed because you're in your own classroom? Are you realizing that it's a lot tougher to do than you thought? If you're not a teacher yet, how do you think differentiation or having actual students will change you? Will you treat every student the same and spoon feed them the answers so that they know exactly what's on the test because it's too hard to try different strategies to help them truly learn the content? Are you too afraid that you'll fail in the midst of your trying that you'll just give up and go the easy route? Are we afraid of failing? Yes, because we know that if we fail, we really fail. Guess what though that thought process is going to get you in a lot of trouble. This was a perfect quote and I'm sure will be a great quote to help me when I feel like giving up.

If you really believe in what you're doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another. Never give up! -Lauria Notaro

Now you don't know me, but I'm going to tell you my thoughts on students needs and answer some of the questions above. It will connect to differentiation because it's a part of who we are, even if we don't realize it yet. I always wanted to be a teacher. I had wonderful teachers that taught me how important my education was and what wonderful things I could do with it. I was always encouraged to do my best, but in every class I can remember teachers were treating me like I was their favorite. We moved a lot when I was growing up so that meant moving in the middle of the school years sometimes, which meant a new teacher, friends, classroom, and school. This is tough on any student, but a reality of life. I don't remember a single time where I hated the new school that I went to because my teachers knew how to help me feel like part of the class right away. They might not have known that they were differentiating for me at first because of the requirements on the assignments for the quarter that I was in or the education levels that I was currently at, but emotionally those teachers understood my need to feel accepted and loved going into an environment that was new and scary. I've always had teachers like this and I loved them dearly. During this time I knew that I wanted to be just like those teachers. I wanted to help students feel loved and welcome into my classroom. I wanted them to want to love learning just as much as I did and I wanted them to know how important they are when they are in my classroom.

In Tomlinson's book it states that even though we try to meet all of our students needs, they are hardly ever all met because of how hard it really is to teach to the individual needs of every student. We also have to account for the backgrounds and cultures that our students come from. Each setting we are in whether we are a child or an adult varies on how we respond and what needs can be met. Children may react a lot differently at school with us as a teacher then they do at home. There also may be issues going on at home where some of the students basics needs are not being met. I want to be the kind of teacher that makes my students feel special. I want them to know that I believe in them so much, even if no one else does, that I know they can do some pretty amazing things. I want my students to know that just because their home life isn't perfect doesn't mean that school can't be a safe environment for them where they can come to get most of their needs met. I wish I could say that I'll meet all of their needs and have the most happy, perfect students in the world, but the reality of that is that no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to fix everyone's needs. I will however help where I can and allow my students to be themselves and live up to that potential that I know they are capable of. I will be the kind of teacher who helps each student grow a full level no matter where they start out in my class. I will be the kind of teacher who tries what I can to help my students and I'll probably fail a time or two or possibly even ten. I will not give up on my students no matter what the circumstances are. I want them to know I'm backing them and supporting them in their goal to reach to new levels and heights. Be the teacher that inspires your students and meets their needs because you'll discover that you've grown as well! Don't ever give up because it will be hard and there will be days that you want to say forget it, but that's when you're so close to making it work because you want it so bad.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Student Needs

My previous post was about the different cogs of differentiation and identifying the three parts of what makes your classroom work together. I wanted to focus a little more about each clockwork hub individually though because a paragraph can't sum up how each of these really helps build a differentiated classroom. The first one I'm going to focus on is the students needs. Maslow has researched needs of people in general and talked about until a human feels safe, or has a sens of belonging, any energy put into learning would be wasted. Tomlinson quotes"that if a child feels unsafe, threatened or insecure, the brain blocks off the pathways to learning and attends to the more basic human needs instead. I thought that my quote this week fit really well. It's from Bob Pletka and it reads:

"The quality of the relationship that students have in class with their peers and teacher is important to their success in school."

If students know their teacher wants them to succeed and that their fellow classmates are there to support them through anything, they are going to enjoy class and be willing to help other students out. Teachers are overwhelmed by the many things they have to teach and assess in class, but you have to know as a teacher if your students don't feel like you are there for them, you'll never be able to reach them!

There are different elements for each of the students needs that I think are important to know when teaching children and differentiating for those needs. When you are differentiating for a child each of these needs will be different, that's part of the point of differentiation. You have to know what will work for you as well as them.


This is one of the students' most basic need, but do we really know what this means? We know that we like to be affirmed and that we need to feel needed/wanted, it's a basic human desire. How are you going to convey that to your students? How are you going to make them feel wanted within your classroom? How are you going to treat that child so that they know that they are your "favorite" even when you have 29 other "favorites" who feel the same way. Part of affirmation is for our students to feel like they are accepted for who they are and that no matter what their background is they will be loved and respected within the class that they are in. Students want to know that they will be listened to and that what they have to say is important and will be valued. I think a great way to allow kids to be heard is to have a sharing time and allow students to get things off of their chest. If they know that you are willing to listen to them and acknowledge what they are feeling they will be more willing to trust you and you will both learn more together. Students need to know that we believe in them and that we know what they are truly capable of. Please don't put a label on your students because then it becomes a stigma you start treating them differently and limiting what they are capable of. 


When we help students recognize that they will be respected, loved, and listened to within a class they begin to want to learn. They are more attentive and more willing to take part in their own learning. We want students to be able to provide learning for themselves and become life-long learners and we can only do that when we support students in such a way that they take part in building that passion of learning. Students need to know that their strengths and weaknesses are unique and that they can help others in the class as well as allow others to help them. 


When your environment empowers your students the students will seek more power and when they see that you trust them with the power you have been giving them they begin to feel satisfied with themselves. If they don't feel like they are accomplished in your classroom or that they can accomplish anything in your classroom they will seek for opportunities elsewhere and then a reliable tool becomes lost to the whole classroom. 


Knowing why you have to do something or why you want to do something is a very powerful tool that teacher's can use to teach students why we do certain things. If we subtly show students what their purpose could be and allow them to fully seek out how they can best use that purpose in class, we are blessing them in other aspects of their lives. When we teach them that the choices they make reflect on who they are as an individual for specific reasons, we can teach them that making responsible decisions or choices enables them to have a very specific purpose about why he/she should care about the work they are doing and then education they are getting. 


Students need to be challenged, there's no argument about that. However if the students are too harshly challenged with material, homework, or other various assignments you can't help them grow. This is again why differentiation is so important within a classroom. Help your students to find that challenge that will stretch their learning to what it could be, but not overwhelm them to the point where everything goes over their head and they don't learn anything. 

Please be aware that each of these needs that students have make them who they are. We shouldn't have to cater to them because that would not be differentiating, but we do need to realize that each student has different abilities that will help your class become closer, better, more of a family when you allow these abilities-be they strengths, weaknesses, talents, unique quirks come out in a way that builds your class. When students truly feel that they are getting their needs met, they are much happier kids and they are more willing to take part in their learning process. Please do not forget that we all have needs and we all want to feel wanted and your students are not any different then you. Put them in situations where their needs and met and their education/confidence grows to a level that helps them be the person you know they can be because you know of their potential and greatness.

Here are some websites that can help your students:
Challenge your students
Websites of activities
Empowering Students
Strategies for Empowering Students

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Cogs of Differentiation

             Learning about differentiation has been an interesting journey so far. I can't say that I know exactly what it is and how I'm going to make it work in my classroom, but what I can tell you is that I hope to be a teacher that differentiates for my students. I wanted to look for a quote to really help me, my students and my class succeed together. I loved this quote and it goes right along with the three cogs of differentiation that I'm going to talk about today. 

          Students and teachers must work together in order for differentiation to work within your own classroom. Henry Ford hit this right on the head when talking about beginning to differentiate with your students. Teach them what it means to differentiate for all the students in the class and how it will help them as well. Explain to your class that when you stay together and work together you are all progressing towards a goal of making your classroom a successful one where learning takes place. The cogs of differentiation shows us that all three of these components need to work together in order to make your differentiated classroom work. 

          Tomlinson presented these in her book as another metaphor to understand differentiation. 
  • The first hub of the clock work is the needs of the student in your classroom. The student seeks affirmation-which is there to help them confirm things they already know about themselves that are positive. We all seek this as human beings, that need to be needed and to have people recognize our talents and achievements. This is no different with our students; contribution-our students want to contribute to the class. They want to have boundaries and be accountable for their role within the classroom; power-when you empower your students and make them feel important they are more likely to help the class succeed; purpose- help your students realize that they do have a part within your classroom and what their purpose is within yours. Help all students realize that everyone has a purpose within your classroom; challenge-if your students are bored because things are too easy then they are not going to help your class progress or if the material is too hard then your students are going to pay attention either. This is what differentiation is all about making sure that your students progress and that their work is challenging/engaging enough for them to help them grow on THEIR OWN level. These are the things that the student wants teachers to help them with. Tomlinson said: "The premise of differentiation is that we cannot teach nearly so well when we overlook or underattend to these student needs. (Tomlinson, 2003 p. 11)"
  • The second hub is more about what you do within the classroom. We as teachers need to invite students to participate in all aspects of your classroom. We must also give them opportunities to show what they know and allow them to make decisions and learn to accept either positive or negative consequences of those choices. It's also important to show our students that we are invested in not only their education, but them as a person. There can be a lot of misconceptions on how some teachers teach, which some believe it's just to improve the test scores that are given. While that is important because your students need to show what they've learned and know, it shouldn't become the main focus. There are always going to be other factors that play into how a student demonstrates his/her knowledge, but if we give our students different opportunities to show us what they know they are much more willing and less stressed out about it. We also must be persistent as a teacher and show our students that we are not going to give up on them, that we only want them to do their best and reach their potential. A big part of making all of this possible is by reflecting on what you are doing as a teacher, what is or is not working within your class. If something is not working for you or your class you need to adapt and try something different. You as a teacher need to realize as well that helping your students understand that they are all different and will need help in different ways is not a bad thing but a very good thing. If someone begins with the "that's not fair" statement always remind that fair is not always equal, but it's important to help individual students on their level. Please, please, please constantly reflect on whether what you're doing in your classroom is truly helping your students and don't be afraid to make any changes necessary. 
  • The third hub is all about the curriculum. We need to make sure what we are teaching has a purpose and that we stay focused on why we are teaching it. But no matter how much we have to teach and why we have to teach it, we must make sure that they students are engaged because if they are not then they aren't going to learn anything you're trying to teach anyway. The most important part of the curriculum that relates back to differentiation is scaffolding. Scaffolding allows you more freedom to differentiate within your classroom to help you help your students on their level without individually teaching all of your students at once.  

Differentiation can be explained with a few different metaphors and that's what I found out from just reading one chapter in Tomlinson's book. The reason I wanted to share this metaphor with you is because it's a way to show how all aspects of the classroom teachers, students, and curriculum work together in order to create a differentiated classroom. What we need to realize is that as teachers we need to take into account what we are teaching, how we are teaching, why we are teaching, but most importantly WHO we are teaching. When we realize that differentiation really does come back to who the students are and where they are at in their readiness we can prepare ourselves and our curriculum to help them reach their potential and learn in the best way possible.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What Is or Is Not When it Comes to Differentiation

       Today in class we discussed more about what differentiation is and what it is not and I thought the quote I picked today really fit with that. My last two posts have been trying to define what differentiation is and how I can use it within my classroom. This one goes a little bit more in depth for those of you who are like well you gave us a little bit of a definition, but what does it look like? 

Differentiation is NOT

Differentiation is not individualizing every lesson you do by teaching each student on their own. Could you imagine if this was what differentiation was all about? Teachers would be failing left and right with students and burning out a lot quicker. We as teachers want to make sure that every student feels like they have that opportunity to get individual instruction if needed, but there isn't any way to teach every lesson to every student individually.  

Differentiation is not behavior management. Although we want to have our classes run smoothly every day all day, that is not differentiation. Consequences whether good or bad help to manage your classroom, but should not be your driving force to what you think differentiation is. Some students made need extra attention here and there to help modify their behavior in class for acting out or other various things and just because you do this does not mean that you are differentiating for them. 

Differentiation is not a reaction. When you have your students take a test after teaching them a unit or lesson and they didn't do as well as they needed to, many teachers' first reaction would be to panic and find out how to pull students back to reteach the concept. It's that knee jerk or gut reaction that has us making rash decisions instead of carefully considering what we could really do to help our students. 

Differentiation is not really, really, really good teaching. Being a good teacher is a great thing. There are many teachers out there that are great teachers for various reasons, but some of them aren't differentiating in their classroom. When great teachers take the time to differentiate they open up the opportunity to grow even more as a teacher and become one of the best where all students are reached and progress is observable. 

What Differentiation Is

Differentiation IS a way to provide access to all students in order to build on their past experience and further their education. If we teach to the standard of multiple entry points, many of our students will not feel "dumb" or "stupid" when talking about subjects in school. They will be able to participate in the conversations we have a feel like an expert because of the knowledge they already do have. 

Differentiation IS proactive and responsive. Teachers need to make sure that when they see a need, they fill a need and that's not waiting until the situation becomes desperate. It's that first glimpse of the possible storm ahead and how to take precautions to maintain it or solve the problem before it can truly arise. 

Differentiation DOES include accommodations and adaptations for individual students under your care, but that does not mean that every student needs an accommodation to everything or else you'll never get anything done. Take into account as you go to teach a lesson which students may struggle with what you're going teach and adjust before you teach the lesson. Or if you see a struggling student emerge through your lesson be able to move gears or switch him/her to a place where she/he can best learn and fulfill their potential. 

So What? 

What does this mean for educators? Differentiation is a big deal, but done right your classroom will have so many wonderful experiences and bonding moments that you will be blown away. I'm not the expert by any means, but I'm hoping that by the end of the semester I will have a better understand of exactly what differentiation is because the things I listed today on my blog are not the only answers. There are a few that can help anyone looking to identify what differentiation is, but know please that it is not the only answers. Hopefully by reading my blog you learned something you didn't know, you didn't know today about differentiation! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Morning Meetings: Basic Overview

Morning Meetings

I've been thinking since our first class about the morning meetings we had. Dr. Peterson taught us four main components for morning meetings and how the can be meaningful and help our class grow together. That's why I love this quote from Helen Keller:

                                 "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

When we have our classes working together with us then we can make our class succeed beyond anything. If we have each of our students or even ourselves trying to do it alone, we will not get anywhere. So Dr. P gave us four important components that will helps us in our class. It's part of the Crete model and they are greeting, sharing, group activity, news and announcements.


Greeting is a way for each of your students to introduce themselves or a friend in the classroom. This helps your class become more bonded together when you are taking the time to do different greetings that they can enjoy and have fun with. 


As cheesy as this sayings can be sometimes, it is also very true. When we give our students a chance to share something about themselves, they begin to build connections to others in the classroom. Students love to share things going on in their life and when you build that safe atmosphere in your class more students will be willing to share. When students begin to open up they begin to care about each other and what happens to one another-again forming that strong bond within your classroom. That strong bond can carry over when differentiation comes into play and you talk about what works for one student may not apply to other students and we should want to help all of our fellow classmates succeed. Do not let sharing time become a therapy session however. There are many different ways you can do sharing time with your class. 

You can:
- select 5 students to share something. 
-do a lightning share where everyone shares something quickly
-have a question that students can answer
-have your share related to one of your lessons for later on
-have half the class share
-have a sign up for who shares, etc. 

Group Activity

The group activity portion can be as simple as having the class as a whole do something together or breaking off into smaller groups or pairs. As long as you get students involved with each other to again build on that sense of community. We did a review with vowels for a group activity that was really neat. It took some of us helping each other out to figure out where we should go, but that's what you want as a teacher! Especially for your morning meetings. 

News and Announcement

This section is pretty straight forward. You'll share your news, announcements and upcoming events for the day. This is also where you can take care of any problems that may have arisen over the past week that haven't been dealt with by the students on their own time. You can do a day overview of the things you'll learn and why you're learning them. You can also talk about reminders for field trips, plays, homework assignments or tests coming up. This section is for the "class business" part of your day. 

This was just a small basic overview of what a morning meeting could look like. There are tons of other resources you can order, google, search amazon for etc to pull off a great morning meeting. Maybe you're telling yourself that you don't have time and that it would be a complete waste of time for the classroom. However, if you get your students into the routine of a morning meeting (which mostly likely won't be easy), you'll inspire them to build  sense of community where they care what happens to each other. When your students truly begin to have that sense of community they want others around them to succeed and it allows you to be able to differentiate more for those that are struggling and allows others in your classroom to shine as their advocates in different subjects within the classroom. Showing your students that they are all good at something is an important quality to have and one way you can do this is by building that trust in your classroom with morning meetings. Give it a shot! Try one out! What have you got to lose? If it fails it fails, don't let it define your classroom or you. If you do it and you succeed then continue to build that close bond with your students/classroom so that you may all proceed to grow together.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Each Day is a Revelation

Here's my second post for my differentiation class and after I posted my first postI went back through chapter one in Tomlinson's book to find out more key tips that we can use as teachers to help our classroom become more of a differentiated classroom.

      "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

I love this quote for a variety of reasons, but one of the main reasons is because students need to be involved in the process of their learning. If we simply keep giving them the answer instead of allowing them to take part in their learning, then they aren't learning anything and will simply forget. In Tomlinson's book it states there are certain student traits, classroom elements, and metaphors that you can use to help you build a differentiated classroom and help your students become involved in their own learning.

Student Traits

If we want to be effective teachers and really make sure that we are involving our students there are traits that Tomlinson goes over to help each of us understand where a student is at and how far they've come in being ready to learn.

 According to Tomlinson, this refers to a student's knowledge, understanding, and skill related to learning. We need to assess where students are at when they come into our classroom and then build from that knowledge. If we don't take the time to assess where our students are at and just begin to teach the lessons we have ready then we are setting our students up to fail and become more lost in our classroom. Readiness also takes into account your student's prior experiences, the way that they've learned and how they truly feel about school. If you have students who don't enjoy being at school and don't want to learn, you won't be able to reach them on any level until you understand why. If we take the time to have a quick one-on-one with our students then we can express how eager we are in getting to know them and see what apprehensions they have about the upcoming school year. I know that when I was in school we filled out a paper and that's a lot easier for teachers to read through, but try taking 10 minutes out of your day and see 3-5 students and truly get to know them and how "ready" they are for the upcoming school year and what you can do as a teacher to help them succeed.

By taking the time to talk to your students individually you can also see what kinds of subjects or things they are interested in. What kinds of things do your students have a passion for? Would they be willing to share it with the class? Is it something you can use to not only involve your student in learning, but tie to your curriculum and build a close knit classroom? We all know that there are students who come into our classroom who want to share everything about their day and so maybe you take a day where students get to pick one thing to teach/tell/share with their fellow classmates that way your students know you care about their interests and are allowing them to share with the whole class.

          Learning Profile
This refers to how students learn best. Please take into account, if you don't already know this, that each of your students have a different way of learning! Not every student will be okay with just an explanation. Not every students will want to just read about it. Not every student will want to explore and discover the answer. Do not ever forget that telling them the answer doesn't help them but hurts them in the long run. Try to have various ways/strategies of teaching a concept especially if you can see that you have some struggling students who just are not comprehending what you are trying to teach them. No student wants to admit that they don't know what the teacher is talking about while he/she is giving the lesson when we ask for questions. Our assessments are a way to check for understanding, but sometimes I feel that when we give the assessment our students begin to assume we are moving on from that lesson so they don't have to worry about learning it. Please make sure they your students truly understand what you are trying to teach them in the best way possible for them. Learn their learning profile and help them succeed. 

This ties into the other parts of the students traits and my post from before because this is how students feel about themselves. This is where you want to build such a close knit community that each of the students in your class is willing to help out a fellow classmate who may be struggling, but even more than that the classmate who is struggling is willing to accept the help that's being offered. The student takes the help because they know that there fellow classmates want to see them succeed, just like their teacher does. Your students will know that their work has value and that whatever they create will be appreciated and not made fun of. 

Classroom Elements

There are things you can do as a teacher to help draw students into their learning. These elements play a part in helping students feel comfortable in your classroom and have a better understanding of you as their teacher. 

We all know that for each grade there is a specific outline of curriculum that our students are supposed to know. This is where we want to build on what the students already know and help them to expand their thinking/knowledge to a higher level. Make sure that all students, even those who struggle at grasping the content of the lesson, know that you are there to help them succeed. I can't stress that enough and I'm sure you'll be hearing it several times in many of my blog entries.

This element refers to how a student applies what you are teaching them. This also allows you to see what the student learned from what you taught them. When the student is taking the information you taught them, this is a way to see how they are making sense and literally processing it in their head. You'll be able to see via homework or class activity/assessment how your students are processing the content you are teaching them.

This is the main assessment part of your classroom setting. This is seeing how your students show you what they know, The outcome of what you've been teaching them. There are many different ways a student can show you what he or she has learned so be open minded and vary the ways you have your students show you what they know. 

          Learning Environment
This is one huge, not that all of the other things we've talked about aren't important, but the way you have your classroom set up is going to affect how you teach and how your students learn. This element contains what your class looks like from the walls, student desk setup, what procedures and rules you have in your classroom, and even how you respond to things that may go wrong in your classroom. Every day will not be perfect, but a combination of great things can help you create a great day. Make sure that as a teacher you have clear cut policies in place that you are willing to follow through no matter what student you are dealing with. Also help the students help you by building a safe classroom environment where everyone's opinion is valued and where classmates want to help each other. If you can do that you're on your way to building a fantastic differentiated classroom. 

Each day is a revelation about your students and about yourself, especially when you involve your students in their own learning. There will be days that it'll click for both you and your students and before you both realize you as a teacher will be differentiating without thinking about it, and each of your students will be succeeding because you've both learned to listen to each other and come together to create the kind of learning environment that your student needs. Don't forget to take each day to learn something new about your students and let them get to know their teacher. Let your students see that you care about where they end up in life and just want to help them love learning as much as you do.